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VeniceWelcome: passion and determination

VeniceWelcome.com was born in Venice in 2000 as the result of our family business’s forty-year experience in the inbound travel industry in Venice & other Italian arts-cities. Local expertise, product selection and customer service have always been our top-strengths.

We are intimately acquainted with Venice, a city we know like the back of our hand. Our extensive understanding extends from the famous tourist spots to the less-explored corners of the city. We keep ourselves updated with recent events, openings, and festivities and are eager to recommend some quintessential Venetian restaurants and other local favorites. 

With this new site, we wanted to add an easy navigation, additional information, updated tips and news  by even more photos and videos to make you appreciate the beauties of this city from the beginning. Discover insights inspirations to plan your trip in our 'Explore Venice' section. We are waiting for you in Venice!

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